93 Bed Two Story Dormitories – Over 1000 beds available
Category : Workforce Housing
Looking for versatile worker housing solutions? Look no further! With over 1000 Private Beds available, our Double Story Configurations are the answer to your accommodation needs! Each Dormitory houses 93 private beds, providing ample space for residents or wo
9 Arctic Corridors
Category : Arctic Corridors
Are you looking for Arctic corridors? Here are nine – 2015 built Arctic Corridors looking for a project. Reach out today and discuss how to make these yours!
Gang Style | Jack and Jill Dorms
Category : Workforce Housing
We have numerous Skidded and Frameless single level dormitories available including Jack and Jill and Gang Style Dorms 35, 44, 48, 49 person configurations Contact us today for more information info@usedmodula
Used Modulars Canada Leasing Options
Category : Dorms
Used Modulars Canada Ltd is proud to have great alliances with a host of premium service providers whose services are second to none in their respective fields. There is no need to go out to several suppliers….Let us do that for you. With current acce